This User Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, is concluded between the LLC Ginza Online Store, having an Internet address hereinafter the Online Store or the Website, and the user of the Online Store services, hereinafter "Buyer", and determines the conditions for the acquisition of goods through the Site.



1.1. The offer was developed in accordance with article 435 and part .2 article 437 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan and other regulatory acts regulate the implementation of the sale of goods (works, services) in the form of e-commerce, presented in the official Internet shop of LLC Ginza at the Internet address:


2.1. In this offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings and are an integral part of it:

Online store - the official online store of LLC Ginza, located at the Internet address:

An offer is a proposal addressed to one person, several specific persons or an indefinite circle of persons, containing all the essential terms of the contract, from which the will of the person making the offer (offeror) is seen, to conclude an agreement on the conditions specified in the offer with anyone who responds.

Seller - Online store LLC Ginza.

Buyer - any individual or business entities (residents and non-residents of the Republic of Tajikistan) purchasing goods (and delivery services) using information systems for final consumption, accepting a public offer on the terms of this offer.

The product is the object of agreement of the parties, the list of items of the range presented in the official online store of LLC Ginza at the Internet address:

E-commerce participant is a legal or natural person who is a Seller or Buyer of goods (works, services) in e-commerce.


3.1. Order by the Buyer of the Goods placed on the website of the online store means that the Buyer agrees to all the terms of this Offer.

3.2. The administration of the website of the online store has the right to make changes to the Offer without notifying the Buyer.

3.3. The validity of the Offer is not limited, unless otherwise indicated on the website of the online store.

3.4. The Seller provides the Buyer with complete and reliable information about the Goods, including information about the main consumer properties of the Goods, the place of manufacture.


4.1. The price for each position of the Goods is indicated on the website of the online store at the Internet address:

4.2. Prices for the Goods are determined unilaterally and indisputably and are indicated on the pages of the online store.

4.3. The price of the Goods is indicated in the national currency of the Republic of Tajikistan - somoni

4.4. The offer to conclude a contract for a specific product is valid for the duration of the goods on the website of the Seller.

4.5. The seller has the right to unilaterally change the price of any position of the Goods.

4.6. Change by the Seller of the price for the Goods ordered by the Buyer is not allowed.


5.1. The text of this Agreement is a public offer (in accordance with part 2 of article 437 and article 435 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan).

5.2. The contract concluded on the basis of acceptance by the Buyer of this offer is an agreement of accession to which the Buyer accepts without any exceptions and / or reservations.

5.3. Products and services presented on the website through graphic samples are the property of the online store.

5.4. Due to the different technical characteristics of the monitors, the color of the Product may differ from that presented on the website.

5.5. At the request of the Buyer, the manager of the online store is obliged to provide (by phone or e-mail) information that is necessary and sufficient, from the point of view of the Buyer, for him to make a decision on the purchase of goods.

5.6. The fact of placing an order by the Buyer is an unconditional fact of the Buyer's acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.

5.7. The buyer who purchased the goods in the online store of the Seller (who placed the order for the goods) is considered as a person who has entered into a relationship with the Seller on the terms of this Agreement.


6.1. Seller undertakes to:

6.1.1. From the moment of the conclusion of this Agreement to ensure fully all obligations to the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this agreement and the current legislation.

6.1.2. To process the personal data of the Buyer and to ensure their confidentiality in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

6.1.3. To prevent attempts of unauthorized access to information and / or its transfer to persons not directly related to the execution of Orders and / or warranty (service) maintenance of goods, to timely detect and suppress such facts.

6.2. The seller has the right to:

6.2.1. Modify this Agreement, the Prices of Goods and Tariffs for related services, methods and terms of payment and delivery of goods unilaterally, placing them on the pages of an online store located at the Internet address:

6.2.2. All changes take effect immediately after publication, and are considered to be brought to the attention of the Purchaser from the time of such publication.

6.2.3. Without agreement with the Buyer, transfer your rights and obligations for the execution of the Agreement to third parties.

6.2.4. To transfer information documents to electronic documents and electronic messages for storage.

6.3. Buyer undertakes to:

6.3.1. Until the conclusion of the Agreement, familiarize yourself with the content and conditions of the Agreement, the prices of the Goods offered by the Seller in the online store, as well as other conditions on the pages of the online store located at the Internet address:

6.3.2. In fulfillment by the Seller of its obligations to the Buyer, the latter must provide all the necessary data specified in paragraph 7.1. of this Offer, which uniquely identifies him as a buyer, and are sufficient for delivery of the Goods ordered by him under the condition of delivery of the goods.

6.3.3. Pay for the ordered product and its delivery under the terms of this contract.

6.3.4. In order to avoid disputes, when placing an order, familiarize yourself with the information proposed by the Seller on its website.

6.3.5. Do not use the product ordered on the website for business purposes.


7.1. When registering on the website of the online store, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following registration information:

7.1.1. Surname, name, patronymic of the Buyer or the person (recipient) specified by him;

7.1.2. The address to which the goods should be delivered (if the delivery is to the Buyer's address);

7.1.3. E-mail address;

7.1.4. Contact phone numbers.

7.2. The name, quantity, assortment, article, price of the Goods selected by the Buyer shall be indicated in the Buyer's basket on the Online Store website.

7.3. If the Seller needs additional information, he is entitled to request it from the Buyer. If the Buyer does not provide the necessary information, the Seller shall not be liable for the Goods selected by the Buyer.

7.4. The Buyer accepts the terms of this Offer by means of the Buyer entering the relevant data into the registration form on the website of the online store or when placing the Order through the Operator. After placing the Order through the Operator, data about the Buyer are registered in the database of the Seller. Having approved the Order of the selected Goods, the Buyer shall provide the Operator with the necessary information in accordance with the procedure specified in clause 7.1. this Offer.

7.5. The Seller is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when placing the Order.

7.6. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when ordering.

7.7. The remote sale and purchase agreement between the Seller and the Buyer shall be deemed concluded from the time the Order is placed.


8.1. The Seller provides the Buyer with services for the delivery of the Goods in one of the ways indicated on the website of the Online Store.

8.2. If the contract for the sale of goods by remote means is concluded with the condition of delivery of the goods to the buyer, the seller is obliged to deliver the goods to the place specified by the buyer within the period specified in the contract, and if the place of delivery of the goods is not specified by the buyer, then the place of his residence or registration, about which the seller notifies the buyer.

8.3. The delivery time of the Goods to the Buyer consists of the order processing time and the delivery time.

8.4. The seller indicates the cost of delivery of the goods on the website of the online store or informs the buyer when placing the order by the Operator.

8.5. The seller transfers and the buyer accepts and pays for the goods under the conditions specified in this contract. Ownership of the Ordered Goods shall pass to the Buyer from the moment of the actual transfer of the Goods to the Buyer and the last payment of the full cost of the Goods. The risk of accidental loss of or damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment of actual transfer of the Goods to the Buyer.


9.1. Buyer can make payment in the following ways:

- Payment in cash at the office at self-pickup;

- payment through bank card (credit or debit)

- cashless payments (for legal entities).


10.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

10.2. All textual information, graphic images and services placed in the online store have a legal right holder, illegal use of the specified information and images is prosecuted in accordance with the current legislation.


11.1. By agreeing to this offer, the Buyer agrees and permits Ginza LLC to process their personal data, including surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender, place of work and position, postal address, home, work, mobile phones, email mail, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution, transfer on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as cross-border data transfer, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data, as well as their transfer to the Seller's counterparties, group Philips companies and their partners, for the purpose of further processing (including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data) for the execution of orders, the implementation of warranty (service) maintenance of goods, research aimed at improving the quality of services to conduct marketing programs, statistical research, as well as for the promotion of services on the market, execution of orders and warranty (service) maintenance of goods by making direct contacts with the Buyer using various means of communication, including, but not limited to: postal mailing, e-mail, telephone, facsimile communication, Internet.

11.2. The Buyer agrees and permits the Seller and the Seller's counterparties, the Philips group of companies and their partners to process the Buyer's personal data using automated database management systems, as well as other software tools, including those specially developed on behalf of the Seller. Work with such systems is carried out according to the algorithm prescribed by the operator (collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement, use, blocking, and destruction). Used processing methods including, but not limited to automatic reconciliation of postal codes with a code base, automatic verification of the writing of street /settlement names, specification of data with the Buyer through telephone, postal communication with the Buyer or via contact via the Internet, database segmentation by specified criteria. The Buyer agrees that, if it is necessary for the realization of the objectives specified in this offer, his personal data received by the Seller may be transferred to third parties, whom the Seller may entrust the processing of the Buyer's personal data on the basis of an agreement concluded with such persons under subject to the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on ensuring such third parties privacy of personal data and the security of personal data during their processing. When transferring the specified data to the Buyer, the Seller warns those who receive personal data from the Buyer that these data are confidential and can only be used for the purposes for which they are communicated, and require these persons to comply with this rule.

11.3 The online store is entitled to hold special promotions.


Carefully read the text of the public offer, if you do not agree with any clause of the offer, you are entitled to refuse to purchase the Goods provided by the Seller and not to perform the actions specified in paragraph 3.1 of this Offer.

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